What is iPANDA? It is not about panda! But as valuable as panda!
i_ Independent
P_ Performance
A_ Artivists
N_ Network
D_ Development
A_ Action
iPANDA is a action focusing on China’s independent performance to build up the internal network and improve the development to go further to international field.
It is founded by artists collective, and involves independent performance artists, art institutes, platforms and different art fields to consolidate all resource to improve more possibilities on collaboration and development.
Blue Zone _Independent creators
The members in blue zone should be independent performance makers, who have done or plan to focus on independent performance field as clear target. It should include but not limit on dance theater, physical theater, live art, music theater, cyber theater and more experimental and new pioneer performance art forms. The platform aims to help young artists (psychological age) as a clear direction for the development.
Red Zone _Presenters + Resource partners
The red zone includes different presenters who provide project resource, platform, funding and space etc. from art festival, association, art council, agency, residence project or art space. The fellowships in iPANDA aim to communicate and open more possibility on the collaboration with independent artists, who improve positive development on performance and artists’ growing.
Yellow Zone _Mentors + Collaborators + Critics/researchers
Mentors in independent performance field also other art fields, who are glad to share experience and knowledge to help artists in difference typical cases or issues.
Collaborators who work on performance fields or interdisciplinary fields have strong interest to try the collaboration with performance artists.
Critics and researchers who share information and discuss in typical topic are happy to support and improve the performance art environment and historic recording.
Event forms_
Termly meeting_
Topic for discussion are organized by iPANDA as a regular form to go deeper direction on performance study and investigation, which depends on members’ sharing and communication to resolve each typical issue and improve practical development in different cases.
International platforms presentation and recommendation_
iPANDA consolidates fellowships’ international network resource to present and recommend to more independent artists who are willing to build up the collaboration possibility. Periodically introduce some international platform to members.
Aperiodic performance show and discussion_
According to the members’ request, iPANDA will organize artists’ work show case, working on progress, or exhibition to build up a target discussion in different cases, which improves artists creation work and also build up the communication in fellowship circles.
Internal workshops_
Members can organize workshops to help each other learning, understanding and discussion. An internal study form refreshes each creation way and concept to improve the production of independent performance practically.
-More event forms will be developed by fellowships in the future.
The Principle of iPANDA
1_The members should be open mind on sharing and helping each other. Not too moderate to provide your resource; not too cautious to discuss your concern; not too quibble to put down personal fascination. Positive and healthy network and communication is the key to develop better performance works.
2_Members focus on the discussion of practical common issues, and objectively work together to learn and resolve problems. No judgment on each artwork.
3_iPANDA keeps underground independent identity to build up the healthy incubation environment and valuable communication platform.
4_Members go Dutch for the cost spending on each event, which bases on members’ discussion for each project case.
5_iPANDA organization switches the leading responsibility on each event to keep the decentralization. Members can recommend himself/herself to adjust the meeting and event style, but should keep the quality on practical result.