2012年5月-6月 上海
Darling Hurt is a series of outdoor social theatre works collaborated between two independent artists Xiao Ke and Zhou Zihan. Having the purpose to realize the conceptual body performance in the urban public environment, it no less connects the personal life of the artists with the city where they live than pushing the performing art onto the street which engenders the opportunity to have contacts as much as possible with the public as well the interaction. By restoring the artists’ ideas back into life, Darling Hurt is to fulfill the life process of the idea itself that what comes from life vanishes into life.
Darling Hurt V Crush
During two month from May to June 2012 in Shanghai, Xiao Ke and Zihan carried 100 white T-shirts and had all of them crushed at 14 crossroads. With the information of time and place being marked on it beforehand, every single T-shirt was crushed by the vehicles and the traces being kept.The whole process was completely recorded through video and photos. At June.30th and July.1st 2012, Sick Room V, To and Fro, a physical theatre work on the topic of the one hundred crushed T-shirts, was performed at Papertiger Theatre in Beijing. By linking different art forms such as social theatre, installation art, video, photography and physical theatre, Darling Hurt V puts “the crush” back to the street, to the theatre, and to people’s memory and thought.