we forgot to tell you that there is a date this Sunday afternoon
作品关键词Keywords:即兴声音及肢体表演 improvisation, performance of live sound and physical art, 传递 forwarding, 互译 translation,解释 explanation
表演者:小珂(肢体), 子涵(声音),特邀嘉宾:张献(言说),戴建勇(摄影)
Performers: Xiao Ke (physical performance), Zi Han (live Sound), Zhang Xian (Speech) and Dai Jian Yong (Photography)
Duration: 60 minutes
一小时的约会,我们在地下室尽力解释为什么“忘了”,那些很难启齿的原因与刻意的状态带给现场更加多余的空间。 安全感与空间无关,却与时间暧昧起来。信息通过不同艺术媒介传递,在身体,声音,图像和言语间互相翻译,疑义,误读与置换。这场发生在地下室的异托邦环境表演,旨在地下解释地上。
One-hour date, in the basement, we try to explain why we “forgot”. With the reasons hard to speak aloud and the deliberately posed state gives the site more space. The feeling of safety is not related to space, but is interconnected with time. Through different art medium, the message is being translated, doubted, misunderstood and exchanged on the body, sound and image.
+Performance is a part of Make+ 3rd Stop events. for more information, please see: makeplus.org
华山路2006弄 6号地下室 Basement 6, 2006 Hua Shan Road. www.b6cshanghai.com