To & Fro
The performing artwork is based on Social theater work “Darling Hurt V Crush”, which is created by Xiao Ke and Zi Han ‘s collaboration in 2012. They took 100 white T shirts to the public street in Shanghai, and did the crushing action in 14 special traffic crossing. Each T shirt has been crushed by cars on road, on which there is the trace by car’s wheel. The artists gave each T shirt a special name with the crushing information such as the time and the location.
Darling Hurt is a series of outdoor social theatre works collaborated between two independent artists Xiao Ke and Zhou Zihan. Having the purpose to realize the conceptual body performance in the urban public environment, it no less connects the personal life of the artists with the city where they live than pushing the performing art onto the street which engenders the opportunity to have contacts as much as possible with the public as well the interaction. By restoring the artists’ ideas back into life, Darling Hurt is to fulfill the life process of the idea itself that what comes from life vanishes into life.
“To and Fro”the new piece will show the 100 crushed T shits again but in a new performance way. Also the documentary to explain how artists made the crushed T shirts will be shown again during the new performance. This time Xiao Ke and Zi Han they choose very simple movement but repeat again and again in 2 hours. What the artists try is to build up an energy dialogue with these T shirts in the live performance. They hope to pull “Crush” to present tense, to Space Station, and to people’s memory and minds.
Xiao Ke x Zi Han
Performing Art, Installation, Documentary, Sound Art. 14th OPEN International Perfromance Art Festival
13:30 -15:30 19th Oct 2013
Space Staion Beijing, 798 Art center
小珂×子涵 行为作品《来回》
现场行为 装置 影像作品 声音作品 参展于第14届 OPEN国际行为艺术节
北京798艺术区 空间站