We apologize to inform you
Xiao Ke x Zi Han
Performing arts
30th Oct 2013 9:00am-6:00pm
Location: Traditional opera theater in Shang Du Li, Zhujiajiao old town, Shanghai
We are very glad to launch our new performing artwork “We apologize to inform you” on Zhu Jia Jiao Contemporary Art exhibition in the beautiful old town in Shanghai.
The performance is separated by two parts, which totally take 8 hours, so welcome to join our performance in any time when you arrive.
The 1st part- Sleeping lunch: 9:00am-2:00pm
In this part, we will sleep on a huge fabric on which was written by our dialogue. The sleeping area is inside of the traditional opera theater, and you can come to join the dinner that will begin at 12:00am, we will prepare 2 table meals in a typical Chinese food style. Welcome to eat and talk with other participants. We will be so happy to feel you were here with us; even we are sleeping beside you.
The 2nd part- Misrepresentation: 2:00pm-5:00pm
When we wake up, we will distort on the writing of our thoughts by painting ink. The dance painting performance will continue till to we lose all movement energy. Xiao Ke dances with ink to paint, Zi Han writes again and again on the fabric. It is a recovering and misrepresentation process to show our action.
1 小珂与子涵在展览开幕前半小时服用安眠药,躺在白布上沉睡。
2 小珂与子涵在沉睡之前,订好晚餐和酒水,设置两个圆桌,每桌10人。